

No sé ustedes, pero cuando algo me recuerda a cualquiera de las siguientes bandas, me es imposible pulsar stop: Fugazi, Les Savy Fav, Dismemberment Plan, Karate, Jejune, Capn Jazz, y, Q and Not U.

Al contrario, sólo soy capaz de recurrir al repeat, una y otra vez, hasta que llega ese estúpido suspiro que me advierte lo viejo que me he estado volviendo.

¿Recuerdas lo que se sentía traer casetes en el bolsillo? ¿Recuerdas como se escuchaba un casete magnetizado? ¿Recuerdas cuando los Walkman se comían las cintas? Me importa un bledo fomentar la nostalgia o aprovecharme de ella, la realidad es que son pocas las bandas que en los últimos meses me han hecho mirar hacia atrás sin pena, y ésta, es la primera en mi lista del recuento hardcore punk.

Así que stayed tune chamakids... TTSO is going back to roots, you'll see us wearing Converse more often, no doubt. Either way, until then, this blog shall remain TEMPORARILY UNACTIVE. But do return, lots and lots of fun is YET TO COME! We'll be posting stuff here too now and then, until the new design is done, so don't just go...

Son de Atenas, Georgia. La ciudad que dio luz a una de las primeras camadas más representativas del so-called indie (still, nowdays, huh). Los newbies les dicen dance punk, pero para mi generación ellos más bien habrían sido math-rock o emo, una antes que la mía: simply hardcore punk. Pero dejaré que ellos mismos lo expliquen, como lo dijeron durante una entrevista para Coke Machine Glow:

CMG: Someone calls you "dancepunk." What do you think of the label (other than not wanting to be pigeonholed), and do you think it's got any hope?

JEFF: You've got to look at indie music as a cyclical thing. We spent the 90s frozen in place at shows, arms folded, and now there's this great huge movement of people wanting to dance at shows...I'm not interested in looking the proverbial gift horse in the mouth. If kids think it's cool to dance at shows right now, they can call it whatever they want, I'm into it. I hope this trend lasts as long as it possibly can.

LUKE: We never wanted it. It's sick and about to die, and I dont care. I get bitchy when it comes to labels and "genre-fication." Just don't need it. I suppose it applies to certain songs, but we really really really honestly mean it when we say we try to be everything we like at once. And we've listened to a hell of a lot more than dancepunk.

SAM: No matter what kind of band you're in, you're definitely in a "KIND OF BAND". Every band gets labeled, regardless of liking it or agreeing with it, so to be called "dancepunk" or "math rock" or "indie rock" would be accurate for us. As long as we're ALL of those, and not just ONE, I think it's a fair label. As far as its lifespan, who knows. EMO was a huge deal a while ago... but now you can call everything EMO and it works. Maybe the same will happen for DANCEPUNK, except it'll sound cooler.

Les dejo un par de temas de su Ruin Everything! (Hello Sir, 2005)...

We Versus The Shark - This Graceless Planet
We Versus The Shark - Ten Uh Clock Heart Uh Tack

...Y un track promocional de su próximo disco Murmurmur (Quote Unquote, 2008):

We Versus The Shark - Right Away

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