
Ballad of the Broken Seas

So the most beautiful ex-member of Belle & Sebastian has finally lost her mind like the rest of the frat-kids she left behind. Yeah, for some odd reason she teamed up with Mark Lanegan (Screaming Trees & Queens of the Stone Age).

Truth is I don't give a shit, anything she touches usually ends up just as pretty as her eyes, voice, and everything... But heck, you'll be the one who decides!


TTSO ♥ Isobel

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

mark lanegan es lo máximo y este disco esta muy bueno

TTSO dijo...

nah.. ese wey qué?

Anónimo dijo...

pues estan muy buenos sus discos y canta increible

Pelvis dijo...

ohh, Isobel tan bella...